Affirmations are one of the best tools for applying the law of attraction. The vibration that your affirmations give out goes to the universe. This attracts events having vibrations.
- When you use positive affirmations, you attract positive events into your life.
- Positive affirmations can help you change your belief system. This is the most important purpose affirmations serve.
- They can help you attract abundance into your life.
- Your health can greatly be improved using the power of positive affirmations.
Those are some of the useful ways to use positive affirmations. You will get to know affirmations well when you start incorporating them into your everyday life.
From the power of my personal experience of affirmation works. When I was much younger and insecure with myself, positive affirmations were part of my everyday life. Before studying I used to look at myself in a mirror. I think they helped me with my shyness and lack of organization when I was in college. I now listen to meditation recordings on my iPhone. This improves my life.
How to use affirmations?
There are infinite ways. For example, repeat them like a mantra during meditation. For example, for 5 minutes on each exhalation. Or: repeat them to yourself falling asleep a few, several, several dozen times. Or: out loud, in the morning, in the mirror. He can also write them on sticky notes and hang them into insight. And read (out loud or in your mind) every time you come across them. You can also affirm it on the screensaver on your smartphone or computer or in the background. Or think of your way.
Examples of affirmations
- Today will be a positive, calm, and productive way
- I’m getting happier and more confident every day
- I decide how I feel
- I know what I want and I’m not afraid to strive for it
- I breathe in peace, exhale fear
The best book I can recommend for how great affirmations may work in your life is called “You Can Heal Your Life,” by Louise Hay.” I bought the audiobook to listen to while driving and I listened to it about 5x till the info sunk in and it has been a great help to this practice affirmation and make my playlist collecting other affirmation videos from Youtube, and play them at night before going to bed or upon rising.
So, by going the definition of power,
More power = More work done per unit time