10 Fundamental Principles of Living a Life Full of Peace and Contentment

3 min readJul 10, 2021

Life isn’t constant, there are ups and downs in everyone’s life. Some people embrace these changes while others get disturbed because of them. Peace and contentment come from within when you accept to face every situation and do what’s in your hands to pass through it. Constantly worrying about a problem leaves your mind blocked. You won’t be active mentally and physically. You’ll feel like your energy is continuously draining.

Now, there’s nothing to worry about because here are the fundamental principles that’ll help you lead a peaceful life with contentment.

Stop stressing over tiny little things

Worrying about small things and making it a huge issue isn’t worth your time and mental peace. Value your well-being and learn to accept what is being served. Things won’t be in your control always, let go and you’ll see the difference in your mood, energy, and productivity.

Imperfection is perfect, make peace with it

Admire yourself and your work. To achieve perfection, we often forget to be grateful for what we have. Appreciate yourself for reaching this far instead of pointing out the mistakes that you’ve made, point out the things learned from them. Your imperfections make you unique. Be known for your uniqueness rather than being lost in the crowd for following the ancient laid-out rules.

Being in a hurry isn’t the only trait of a superachiever

A superachiever never needs to be hyper in making decisions. Process your thoughts patiently and effectively implement them for getting the best outcomes.

Be well aware of the effect your thoughts have

Whenever you feel that you won’t be able to ace it, stop! Instead of thinking about what all can go wrong, think about how you’ve made things go right previously. Smile and gather confidence, believe you can do it and you’ll achieve success.

The aim isn’t to tick off your to-do list

Achieving your plans is good but be aware that the list keeps on adding. Prioritize your happiness and fun over the never-ending ambitious list. Take a day off from the chaos and spend time with your loved ones. You’ll feel super energetic and productive afterward.

Be compassionate

Think about the problems others are facing, you’ll be grateful for the life that you’re living. It’ll help develop a sense of empathy and make you feel blessed about your capabilities.

Let others complete, nobody likes interruption

Be patient with others. Things won’t work out if you don’t let the other person speak and address their thoughts. This will cut off the chances of entering into a frustrated argument and others will respect you for your humble behavior.

Do secret good deeds

Helping others uplifts our mood and reminds us how deserving everyone is of kindness. Keeping your good deeds to yourself allows you to retain all the positive feelings.

Be the first one to applaud others

There is peace in not seeking the attention of others every time. Applaud other’s achievements. There will be a day when there will be a huge crowd appreciating you for your victory. Empower others, talking about oneself every time isn’t acceptable by anyone.

The present is all you have, the rest is uncertain

Instead of stressing about our future, it’s good to live in the present. Feel every moment, enjoy wherever you are. In planning your future every time, you are missing upon the current moments that you’re missing out on enjoying.

Give time to yourselves and count your blessings every day!

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Dr. ChandraSheKar is one of the youngest CEOs in the Indian Education Sector. He is an Author, Edupreneur, and a Top Ranked Digital Public Speaking Coach.